Exhibition: Genius Loci
- Informacija
- Paskelbta: 2012 balandžio 20, Penktadienis 08:12
*ge·ni·us lo·ci /ˈgɛnɪˌʊs ˈloʊki;
The distinctive character or atmosphere of a place with reference to the impression that it makes on the mind.
Vytautas Michelkevičius, Yulia Startsev
Quentin Armand (FR), Liddy Scheffknecht (AT), Berglind Jóna Hlynsdóttir (IS), Mirae Rosner (CAN), Lena Dobrowolska (PL/UK), Juha Pekka Matias Laakkonen (FIN), Justin Tyler Tate (CAN/EE), Aistė Goda Viršulytė (LT), Milda Laužikaitė & Eglė Eigirdaitė (LT), Marianna La Rosa (JP/IT/JAV), Yulia Starstev (CAN), Fiona Flynn and Sascha Kachur (UK), Bjargey Ólafsdóttir (IS), Saulius Leonavičius (LT), Gwenn-Ael Lynn (JAV/FR),and kiti menininkai.
Genius Loci is the first curated exhibition of artworks produced at the Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts. The term genius loci refers to the distinctive atmosphere or pervading spirit of a place. This exhibition focuses on those works that dealt primarily with Nida as a sensory environment; Light, sound, smell, touch, narrative, communication, and experience. The definition of a place goes beyond its spatial configuration. To the fluctuating barometric pressure, the shifting of the sand, and the temperament of the water. In a remote location, the environment becomes a character with whom one must make dealings. Nature presents itself not in a romantic or nostalgic way, but as something with which you exchange time; bargaining with the wind and the water, searching, waiting. The works produced by the residents in the first year of the colony reflect the psychological effect of the conditions of living and working in Nida.
Direct Links to audio and video works:
Berglind Jóna Hlynsdóttir - The News Stand