How to Apply
- Informacija
- Paskelbta: 2012 sausio 24, Antradienis 15:54
The NIDA/SHARE Summer School is funded by EU structural assistance to Lithuania. This has enabled Vilnius Academy of the Arts to offer 8 scholarships whereby all accommodation costs, and a subsidy for travel costs, will be provided to successful applicants.
Expressions of interest are invited from doctoral researchers in visual arts, design and architecture. Applicants wishing to participate are invited to submit an expression of interest before 26 March 2012 by emailing
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and including the following materials :
- An up to date CV
- A sample of 5 recent (i.e., since 2005) works - either available online or as a digital portfolio
- A statement of interest indicating:
(a) What institution you are attached to?
– including supervisors name(s) and names of relevant department or school
(b) What date did you officially begin Doctoral level studies?
(c) What is the title of your doctoral level project work?
(d) What is the nature of your current research?
(e) What is/are the practical disciplines that you use in your doctoral studies?
(e.g., painting, drawing, video, film, typography, graphic design, urbanism, architecture, product design etc.)
(f) Names and contact details for two referees who can provide recommendations
(g) A short statement (250 words approx.) explaining why this summer school is appropriate for you at this time
(h) A short statement (200 words approx.) What contribution can you make to the group discussions during the Summer School?
We advise applicants to follow this list exactly and ensure that all items on this list have been included in their expression of interest. We will respond to all applicants by 16 April.
The Selection Process
The Scholarships will be allocated based on the following criteria:
- Relevance of the programme to the applicant’s area and level of studies/practice (including potential benefit to the student from participating in the programme)
- Potential contribution of the applicant to the dialogue in the Summer School
- Quality of existing art and/or design practice as demonstrated in the sample of recent work
- Quality of research ideas shown in the material submitted