- Informacija
- Paskelbta: 2019 sausio 15, Antradienis 15:31
Curated by Dr Marquard Smith
SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 (Morion)
6 pm intro to the course and participants (Rasa Antanavičiūtė & Marquard Smith)
8 pm welcome dinner
Introduction by Marco Baravalle on the activities of centro sociale Morion and S.a.L.E. Docks, a collective managing an independent space for visual arts, activism, and experimental theater located in what had been an abandoned salt-storage facility in Dorsoduro, Venice.
MONDAY, AUGUST 26 (Research Pavilion)
9 am breakfast
10 am introductio to the course by the curator Dr Marquard Smith
10.40 am self-introductions by tutors (Joanne Morra, Michelle Williams Gamaker) & doctoral candidates presenting on Thursday
1 pm lunch
Introduction by Hamed Ahmadi on Orient Experience, restaurant and catering that involves residents from the Venice's refugee centers in general management, concept and organization.
2 pm Mika Elo & Henk Slager, Visiting the Research Pavilion
3.20 pm coffee break
4 pm presentations by 3 doctoral candidates*
TUESDAY, AUGUST 27 (Research Pavilion)
9 am breakfast
10 am Guy Julier What Are We Up Against? Design Activism in the Age of Neoliberalisation
It is hard to imagine life before the 2008 economic crash. Successive developments in economic practices from the 1980s have provided amazing stimulants for design business. However, in the last 10 years, these orthodoxies have come into question: the 'business as usual' assumptions of design being tied to economic growth have come under serious scrutiny. So, what possibilities exist for such a precarious profession to engage with, or even lead, alternative economic models to the story that currently dominates design? What potential is there to create new forms of value and systems of exchange or establish design practices that address pressing economic and societal challenges?
It seems that vast swathes of what is called design activism actually fall short of proposing, let alone enacting, new economic and environmental arrangements, however. They become mere gestures that ultimately collude in mainstream ideological ambitions.
Where design activism has taken shape amongst such cultural intermediaries still provides hope, though. This talk moves from a critique of both orthodox and activist modes of design to then propose three related approaches in design -- speculative, prefigurative and collaborative -- through which new economic and social modes might be developed.
11 am post-presentation discussion
12 am presentation by a doctoral candidate*
1 pm lunch
2 pm presentations by 2 doctoral candidates*
3.20 pm coffee break
4 pm presentations by 2 doctoral candidates*
5.20 pm individual consultation
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 (Research Pavilion)
9 am breakfast
10 am presentations by 4 doctoral candidates*
1 pm lunch
2 pm Lucia Pietroiusti Curating Ecology
Facing complex, unfathomable crises calls for complex, multivocal and multifaceted responses. What is the role of art in the environmental context? How to understand ecology both as a set of concerns and as a methodological model? How can institutional, curatorial contexts be re-framed to take into account climate justice, climate peace and the interconnection between the disciplines? Through the experience of creating and developing the General Ecology project, as well as the learnings from curating Sun & Sea (Marina), my presentation will begin to propose a multipliable prototype, moving from the curatorial into the infrastructural, for the transformation of institutions 'from the inside out' in the midst of trouble.
2.40 pm post-presentation discussion
3.20 pm coffee break
4 pm Visit to the Lithuanian Pavilion, meeting the artist Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė
9 am breakfast
10 am presentations by 3 doctoral candidates*
12 am individual consultations
1 pm lunch
2 pm presentations by 2 doctoral candidates*
3.20 pm coffee break
4 pm individual consultations
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30 (Morion)
9 am breakfast
10 am Michelle Williams Gamaker Fictional Activism: A Claim For Acts of Fictional Treachery (visit to Giardini (1 hour) + performative walk back (30 mins))
The presentation is dedicated to different aspects of the very gesture of exposing. How does exposing relate to other processes that involve an outward gesture, such as explaining, explicating and exhibiting? What kind of inner space do these outward gestures imply? How does an exposition negotiate its framing conditions? The presenter will touch upon this seemingly abstract and philosophically complex issue through a series of concrete examples.
12 am post-presentation discussion
1 pm lunch
2 pm individual consultations
4 pm workshop and long table led by Joanna Morra
9 am breakfast
10 am wrap up (results, findings, unanswered questions; summary; feedback)
1 pm lunch
2 pm individual consultations
6 pm Tour of the library and monastery, boat trip to St. Erasmo and dinner.
* 20 min presentation + 20 min Q&A