- Informacija
- Paskelbta: 2021 vasario 22, Pirmadienis 14:25
Monday, August 23
3:20pm Introduction to the course by Egija Inzule, introductions of tutors Mika Elo, Joanne Morra, Lina Michelkevičė, Vytautas Michelkevičius, Deimantas Narkevičius, Sarah Owens, Sofia Pantouvaki, Ines Weizman.
4:10pm Presentation by Lina Michelkevičė and Vytautas Michelkevičius of Atlas of Diagrammatic Imagination: Maps in Research, Art and Education
Tuesday, August 24
10am Presentation by Ines Weizman
11:40am Presentation by doctoral candidate Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh The Revolution is Everyday.
2:30pm Presentation by doctoral candidate Iana Stefanova Listening to (counter)narrations: gendered migration and sound as a vehicle for representation
3:20pm Presentation by doctoral candidate Anousheh Kehar Notes on Processes of Unearthing: Wildfires and the
Entanglements of Space
Entanglements of Space
4:10pm Presentation by doctoral candidate Jānis Glockneris The Birth of Artistic Biotechnology
Wednesday, August 25
10am Presentation by Deimantas Narkevičius
11:40am Presentation by doctoral candidate Miklos Gaál Theory and Practice of Romantic Irony
2:30pm Presentation by doctoral candidate Monika Dirsytė on her performance works.
3:20pm Presentation by doctoral candidate Katarina Blomqvist Listening to the Social Death
4:10pm Individual consultations
Thursday, August 26
10am Presentation by doctoral candidate Oana Nechifor Documentary photographic practices regarding the Romanian economic migration
10:50am Presentation by doctoral candidate Marija Puipaitė Human body perception in Early Modern Times: between science and fantasy
11:40am Presentation by doctoral candidate Matthew Cowan The Lessons of Folklore. Working with folk ritual in contemporary art practice
2:30pm Individual consultations
5pm Presentation by Jurga Daubaraitė, Egija Inzule and Jonas Žukauskas on Neringa Forest Architecture
9pm Screening of Black Bach Artsakh (2021) by Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri, 150 min. as part of the Sensible Grounds: Tuning Into the Rhythms of the Chronic exhibition
Friday, August 27
10am Presentation by doctoral candidate Ksenia Kaverina Sites of Knowledge, Times of Intervention: Following the Curatorial from Narration to Impossible Hearing
10:50am Presentation by doctoral candidate Vytautas Gečas Object self-realisation and value in the context of consumerism
11:40am Presentation by doctoral candidate Leena Kela Dialogues - collaboration as a method for researching the language of performance art
2:30pm Individual Consultations
Saturday, August 28
10am Wrap up: results, findings, unanswered questions, summary and feedback discussion
11:40am Wool felting workshop with artist and shepherd in residence Kathryn Wood
2:30pm Individual consultations
4:10pm Open studios of artists in residency at NAC
5pm Individual consultations