Young Painter Prize 2011 - main prize AIR in Nida Art Colony
- Published on Monday, 16 May 2011 12:34
Application to "Young Painter Prize is open". In 2011 the project “Young Painter Prize” is expanding. This year the project welcomes the participation of young artists from three Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia). The main aim of the project stays unaltered - to present the brightest and most promising painters of the younger generation and to create an opportunity for public access to such dynamic new art. Moreover, this projects aims to help its target audience in both Lithuania and abroad – art collectors, managers, curators – discover new talent in Lithuania and Baltic States. This project is focused solely on artists under 30 years old from all disciplines who have acquired (or are in the process of acquiring) a diploma in art. The age limit has been imposed deliberately as the organisers wish to concentrate only on those very young artists who have just graduated (or are graduating) universities and have not yet had the opportunity to appear in public. This category of young artists is most vulnerable and has the largest need for support.
Since 2009 the project „Young Painter Prize“ (further on referred to as YPP) aims at opening new ways to publicity for the young artists: to help them be noticed, visible and encouraged. Yet the first project YPP that was organized in 2009 answered the expectations of the organizers. The major part of the artists that have participated in the project YPP were noticed by art curators, collectors and gallerists. As a result of these competitions, YPP finalists and winners have been invited to participate in a number of group and personal exhibitions afterwards.
The most important thing is that talented artists should be appreciated and gain possibilities to improve. Therefore partners capable of providing conditions for artists to live, create and improve in residences are being search for. Together with a solid monetary prize fund, established by the project patrons Dali Van Rooij Rakutyte, Mindaugas Raila and the family of Nicolas Ortiz, the project “Young Painter Prize” also presents two residences. Nida’s Art Colony, a subdivision of Vilnius Academy of Arts, grants the main prize winner with a two months’ residence in Nida, Lithuania, while the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture (BMUKK), joining the project for the second year already, presents a three months’ residence "Artist-in-Residence" in Laudon, Austria, including a scholarship of 2.100 EUR. By the decision of BMUKK this residence is exclusively appointed to a Lithuanian artist, who is elected by the BMUKK commission from the group of Lithuanian artists, selected for the final. It is another unexpected possibility for those that might not occupy the highest positions on YPP’11 evaluation scale comprised as a result of the international commission vote.
Prize fund – support of private art sponsors.
„Young Painter Prize 2011“ patrons:
Dali Van Rooij Rakutyte, Mindaugas Raila and the family of Nicolas Ortiz
The Main Prize of "Young Painter Prize 2011” – 2.500 EUR and two months’ residence in Nida’s Art Colony in Nida resort, Lithuania;
BMUKK prize for a Lithuanian artist: three months’ residence "Artist-in-Residence" in Laudon, Austria (the prize is devoted for the Lithuanian artist selected from ten finalists. The winner of the prize is selected by BMUKK).
Encouraging Prizes:
II nd place winner’s prize: 500 EUR;
III rd place winner’s prize: „DAILU - VISKAS DAILININKAMS IR MĖGĖJAMS“ presents a cheque of 1000 Lt, for shopping in a store of artists’ resources
Public Prize – DELFI prize.
Read how to apply at
Poetry Spring in Nida May 13
- Published on Thursday, 12 May 2011 08:15
TOUR TO URBO KALNAS (former Lithuanian Writers' Union Holiday House) - 16 H. +
POETRY OF NERINGA ABRUTYTE + TALKS WITH WRITERS/CRITICS Laima Kreivytė, Jūratė Visockaitė, Giedrė Kazlauskaitė, Ilzė Butkutė, Donatas Petrošius+ READING
Organised by artist in residency Marta Vosyliūtė and Nida Art Colony
Open Door Week invites you to visit the colony
- Published on Monday, 09 May 2011 16:06
Nida Art Colony invites all curators and cultural/educational operators to Open Door Week in the Colony between 10th and 15th of May. Colony offers to stay for free for a couple of days, to feel the atmosphere and to think of possible events in the future. Every evening guests are presenting their past activities/products to the Colony audience and the other guests. Call regarding your participation and accommodation to +370 662 45216 or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Tarptautiniai ERASMUS kursai – kūrybinės dirbtuvės 06.07–21 Nidoje
- Published on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 11:14
Kviečiame dalyvauti tarptautiniuose ERASMUS kursuose – kūrybinėse dirbtuvėse „Šiuolaikinė praeitis: judantys vaizdai kaip kintanti atmintis”. Kursai vyks 2011 m. birželio 7 – 21 d. menininkų rezidencijoje – Nidos meno kolonijoje.
• Seminarai, diskusijos ir viešos paskaitos (lektoriai: Kamal Aljafari (JAV, Palestina), Deimantas Narkevičius (Lietuva), Jasper Rigole (Belgija), Esther Shalev-Gerz (Švedija), Nerijus Milerius (Lietuva))
• Kūrybinės dirbtuvės (audiovizualinių darbų kūrimas atminties ir laiko tema)
• Kinas po atviru dangumi
• II ir III kursų bakalauro ir I kurso magistratūros studentai iš Lietuvos (VDA), Suomijos (KUVA), Švedijos (Valando vizualiųjų menų mokykla) ir Rumunijos (Cluj-Napoca universitetas)
Kursų dalyviams VDA suteikia 5 kreditus.
Laukiame jūsų motyvacinių laiškų anglų k. adresu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. iki gegužės 6 d. Nurodykite savo vardą, pavardę, kontaktus, katedrą bei kursą. Gegužės 12 d. bus atrinkti 5 kursų dalyviai.
Atrinktieji dalyviai turi atsivežti savo videokamerą bei, pageidautina, nešiojamą kompiuterį.
Transporto, nakvynės bei maitinimo išlaidas padengia organizatoriai.
Daugiau informacijos:
- Published on Monday, 25 April 2011 11:17
May 3-6, 2011, Nida/Vilnius
Extended Programme & Participants Bios
Welcome to the non-stop event shifting from performance to lecture to basketball game to sauna broadcast to performative discussion to artists guided site/sight/seeing to discursive dinner to role play to interactive buffet to screening to imaginary cartography to workshop to tea ritual to slow reading to sonic massage to knowledge sharing to book launch to critical sauna to guided orientation to conceptual sentiments.
Nida is known as a charming resort on the Baltic Sea coast – our intention is to re-brand it as a site for reinvention of interdisciplinarity between art & research & science.
The symposium is hosting 40 artists, curators, researchers and practitioners to reinvent the format of presenting and sharing art, knowledge and experience. One of the key features of contemporary culture is the changing role of the artist, who sometimes assumes the role of a researcher and curator, and vice versa. Where are the borders of these roles? How could a serious researcher and theorist do a performance, and how could a playful artist do serious research and theorize?
Curators: Vytautas Michelkevičius, Jodi Rose and Mindaugas Gapševičius
Tuesday 3rd May (Vilnius)
11am Cultural Guided Tour: Visits to art sites in Vilnius (VDA, CAC, Fluxus Ministry studios) VM
3pm Lunch in the canteen of Vilnius Academy of Arts
4pm Intro-Format presentations: 5 Minutes each participant (Vilnius Art Academy Chess Hall (building C):
to be reached after crossing Fluxus bridge over river Vilnelė, Malūnų g. 5)
7.30pm Conceptual Sentiments1 or 'I would like to propose a toast!' Picnic Dinner in the Bus
(Leave Vilnius punctually at 7.30pm to arrive midnight at Nida)
Wednesday 4th May (Nida Art Colony, Neringa)
10-12 Open Brunch Buffet and self-guided orientation, free time
2pm Collect Picnic Lunch and introduction to Nida Art Colony Workshops Open Program
3-5pm Artist Tours – Artist in Residence Guided sight/site/seeing Tours (AIR on request) and workshops:
Ad hoc mythology and imaginary cartography Jurij Dobriakov
Not knowing something as a good start for cultural production (1 hr) Andrew Gryf Paterson
Olfactory Tea Ritual (3 hrs) Gwenn-Aël Lynn
Poetic Robotism/Art Walk Eva Vevere & Laura Prikule
The Sited Storyteller Marjolein Houben & Irmelin Joelson
Would you like to join with art? Reclamation
7pm Introduction to local myths and place Marta Vosyliūtė (served with dinner)
8pm Welcome to Bridgeland! jodi rose/error collective/traces artists in residence (seaside location)
9pm Opening Ceremony/Party and Neringa.FM Special Broadcast jodi rose/error collective/traces artists in residence/Vytautas Michelkevičius /Mindaugas Gapševičius/Linas Ramanauskas (seaside location)
Thursday 5th May (Nida Art Colony, Neringa)
05:19am Harvest: Neringa Andrius Rugys (PB8) (one hour session/performance)
10am Interactive Omelette Bar
11am Seeding to Harvest: Interdisciplinary Methodologies Vytautas Michelkevičius , Aistė Goda Viršulytė , Gintarė Valevičiūtė, Mari Keski-Korsu, Andrew Gryf Paterson, Andrius Rugys (PB8)
1:03pm Harvest: Neringa Andrius Rugys (PB8) (one hour session/performance)
2-3pm Lunch
3pm Artist or Self-Guided Tours – Artists in Residence site/sight/seeing (on request)
4pm 'Fake it til you make it' Playing the role of artist/curator. Hanna Husberg, Ernest Truely, Scenarios Damian Jurt, Cultural Subjectivities Marko Stamenkovic (Thomas Mann House)
5pm Haus am Gern & Prof. Dr. Nijolė Strakauskaitė (Performative discussion - Thomas Mann House)
6pm Book Launch: “How to Become an Artist? Expanded edition” Krišs Salmanis (Thomas Mann House)
7pm Tea Ritual: Gwenn-Aël Lynn
8pm Collective Kitchen & Cooking Workshop (Smoked & Grilled Fish)
Apres Le Pamplemousse (After the Grapefruit) Tamara Henderson
8pm Artist as Researcher Film Program (NAC Kitchen) Ernest Truely, Jaana Maijala and Agnes K Yitt,
Nika Autor & Maja Cimerman, Justin Tyler Tate
8:48pm Harvest: Neringa Andrius Rugys (PB8) (one hour session/performance)
9pm Sauna Forum: A story of the most beautiful bodies Mindaugas Gapševičius, Bearding Justin Tyler Tate, Lithuanian wild herbal teas VM & Essential Scent & Sonic Shower/Isa Belle
10pm Neringa.FM Sauna Broadcast: Audio_z collage Tautvydas Bajarkevičius, Earzoom Sonic Arts Festival Selection by Miha Ciglar & Lithuanian Music Special Program by Linas Ramanauskas, Neringa.FM
10pm The Sited Storyteller: Film Screening Lagoonside Location Marjolein Houben & Irmelin Joelson
Friday 6th May (Nida Art Colony, Neringa)
9am Collective Baking Johanna Sophie Santos Bassetti and Symposium Participants and Breakfast
11am Beyond Borders: Maps & Territories Artūras Raila, Anna Karpenko (Performative Lectures)
1-2pm Artist Maps, Stories & Myths: Practice and Process, Marjolein Houben & Irmelin Joelson, Jurij Dobriakov, Jodi Rose
2pm Lunch
3-5pm Artist Tours – Artist in Residence Guided sight/site/seeing Tours (on request)
4pm 're:inventing the future: theory and practice, after the story ends' Lilia Voronkova, Bill McAlister, Philippe Franck (Performative Lectures)
6pm Virtual Tea Party – London/Ljubljana/Nida Error Collective
8pm Interactive Cuisine: Trans gastronomy or the art of site specific culinary Nicolas Thys Wilde
9pm Sauna Party: Paradise Now/Linas DJ, Essential Scent & Sonic Shower/Isa Belle & Closing Ceremony Error Collective
10pm The Sited Storyteller: Site Specific Film Screening Seaside Location Marjolein Houben & Irmelin Joelson
Artist Tours/TRACES Artists in Residence: Guided sight/site/seeing tours of Cultural Interest, Daily 3pm
Asking Questions and Giving Answers to weather in Nida and on Lithuanian Contemporary Art/Vytautas Michelkevičius, Daily when not sleeping
Bball/Justin Tyler Tate: Artist Guided Visits and Game (on request 3pm & 7pm)
Bearding/Justin Tyler Tate: During Sauna and spontaneously (or on request)
Essential Scent & Sonic Shower/Isa Belle: 3– 4pm and 7– 10pm
Garden of Sound/Aistė Goda Viršulytė: Rooftop terrace, open all hours
Harvest: Neringa/Andrius Rugys (PB8): 05: 19 Sunrise session/13:03 Noon session/20:48 Sunset session. MAY 5th Thursday ONLY (each session/performance lasts one our)
How to become a practical person after your PhD thesis or why theory is practice/dr. Vytautas Michelkevičius, Private consultations by appointment only
Lemonade Stand/Justin Tyler Tate: Artist Guided Visits (on request)
Neringa FM Special Broadcasts: Linas & Guests: Wed 9pm – 12am, Thursday 9pm-12am
Poetic Robotism/Art Walk/Eva Vevere & Laura Prikule: 10am & 3pm Daily
The Sited Storyteller/Marjolein Houben & Irmelin Joelson: Map & Lagoon/Sea site specific film screening
The Universal Encylopedia /Visuotinė Enciklopedija/Gintarė Valevičiūtė: Slow Reading all hours (Mediateka)
Would you Like to Join With Art?/Reclamation: morning surveys and evening collection
Sad Song Makes Me Happy/Natalia Borissova: electromagnetic acousticollation 3–4pm and 6-8pm
Sauna Forum & Sauna Party/Error Collective & Miga: 9pm to Midnight ,Thursday 5th and Friday 6th
Sauna strips us of our inhibitions, allowing us to come closer to one another, in order to talk without facade.
What is Interformat?
The symposium’s2 goal is to gather artists, curators, researchers and practitioners and reinvent the format of presenting and sharing art, knowledge and experience. One of the key features of contemporary culture is the changing role of the artist, who sometimes assumes the role of a researcher and curator, and vice versa. Where are the borders of these roles? How could a serious researcher and theorist do a performance, and how could a playful artist do serious research and theorize?
One of the key question of Symposium is “Sustainable Eco/nomies/logies: Adapting to the Future” which covers new ways of collaboration between artists & curators & researchers, looking for new formats in order to adapt to the new conditions of changing art world, institutions and audiences.
The symposium in Nida is going to be an ongoing performance with lectures, discussions, presentations, coffee/wild herbal tea drinking circles, dinner with conceptual sentiments (to everybody’s health), eco-minimal-media events, audio-lobby, imaginary mapping, smell sightseeing, etc.
The event tends to be a long dinner served with opinions and experiences.
The format would be not only the form, but also the content: INTERFORMAT aims to rethink the history of format, its change, meaning, standardization, etc.)
Interformat Initiator & Co-curator Vytautas Michelkevičius
T-R-A-C-E-S Co-Curator Introduction:
„This whole program is perverse,“ says Rasa Antanavičiūtė, Executive Director of Nida Art Colony; „it's all about pleasure.“ Welcome to the intersensory interdisciplinary Inter-Format symposium at Nida Art Colony. We aim to create space for interactions to please your senses, stimulate your mind, lift your spirit and facilitate connections.
How to introduce a chicken.
It is best to bring a new chicken into the coop during the night, in order to avoid disruption to the chicken while finding its place in the pecking order. The new chicken avoids disorientation, and when the chickens awake, they don't realise there is a new chicken in the coop and hence refrain from pecking. It is dangerous to make King’s coffee with the eggs of an unknown chicken.
Transcultural checkers means that neither party realises they are playing by different rules until part-way through the game. Which rules are adopted must then be negotiated.
Flux, flow and open space.
Whoever comes is [sic] the right people
the integration of audience into the performances contributes to the randomness of events
Whatever happens is the only thing that could have
Fluxus: a name taken from a Latin word meaning "to flow"
Whenever it starts is the right time
opening the events to accidents and other unintended effects
When it's over, it's over
Fluxus is fun.
Jodi Rose, TRACES Initiator/Co-Curator/Mediator & Nida Art Colony: Artist in Residence
Inter-format Symposium is curated by Vytautas Michelkevičius, Jodi Rose and Mindaugas Gapševičius
Interformat Organised by Nida Art Colony at Vilnius Academy of Arts
TRACES Leader: Trancultures (Mons, Belgium)
TRACES partner: IRZU (Ljubljana, Slovenia).
Associated partners: Migrating Art Academies, Kitchen Budapest (Hungary), Pixelache (Helsinki, Finland).
Symposium partners: Thomas Mann Museum (Neringa), radio station Neringa FM.
Supported by [LOGOS] Culture 2007-2013, Pro Helvetia (Swiss Arts Council), Lithuanian Culture Support Foundation (no logo, only Text)
Symposium is implemented in the framework of TRACES project which is supported by the European Commission (DG EAC- Programme Culture 2007-2013).
Thanks to Lina Michelkevičė and festival Pixelache Helsinki 2010 for helping to develop the idea of the symposium.
Thanks to Rasa Antanavičiūtė, Linas Ramanauskas and Eglė Benkauskaitė for facilitating the event.
Thanks for designer Laura Grigaliūnaitė for patience while lay-outing the programme.
1 Norms and etiquette of toasting
A toast is a ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of honor or goodwill. The term may be applied to the person or thing so honored, the drink taken, or the verbal expression accompanying the drink. Thus, a person could be "the toast of the evening," for whom someone "proposes a toast" to congratulate and for whom a third person "toasts" in agreement. Toasts may be solemn, sentimental, humorous, even bawdy, or insulting. Except in very small and informal gatherings, a toast is offered standing. At a gathering, none should offer a toast to the guest of honor until the host has had the opportunity to do so. In English-speaking countries, guests may signal their approval of the toast by saying "hear hear." The person honored should neither stand nor drink, but after the toast should rise to thank the one who has offered the toast, perhaps but not necessarily offering a toast in turn. As toasts may occur in long series, experienced attendees often make sure to leave enough wine in the glass to allow participation in numerous toasts.
Putting one's glass down before the toast is complete, or simply holding one's glass without drinking is widely regarded as impolite, suggesting that one does not share the benevolent sentiments expressed in the toast, nor the unity and fellowship implicit in toasting itself. Even the non-drinker is counseled not to refuse to allow wine to be poured for a toast. While some regard toasting with an empty glass as either unlucky or simply rude, others view this as acceptable behavior for the non-drinker. Toasting traditionally involves alcoholic beverages. Champagne is regarded as especially festive and is widely associated with New Year's Eve and other celebrations. It is a superstition in the United States Navy that a toast is never to be made with water, since the person so honored will be doomed to a watery grave. Inverting the glass is especially discouraged. From
2 The Greek symposium was a key Hellenic social institution. It was a forum for men to debate, plot, boast, or simply to party with others (
Open Studio Weekend 15-16.04
- Published on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 08:20
Nida Art Colony together with artists in residency are inviting everybody to take part in the Open Studio Weekend.
Friday (15.04) 8 pm, Neringa Art School / Neringos meno mokykla, Pamario g. 4, Nida:
Natalia Borissova (Berlin) and Marija Kalvelyte: the precoiled/-pared piano-performance (p/-p p-p).
Experimental impro-test#4 (public this time) about altering a piano's timbre through the use of electromagnetic fields, feed back and external trash-objects has been applied to the instrument.
Saturday (16.04), Nida Art Colony, Taikos g. 43:
1-3 p.m. everybody is welcome to join soup making and eating party with artists;
3-6 p.m. open studio time: artists invite to their work preview.
Artists present during open studio day:
Nordic residencies (April-May, 2011)
Tamara Henderson (from Canada, lives and works in Stockholm)
Krišs Salmanis (Latvia)
Marta Vosyliūtė (Lithuania) residencies (23rd March-31st May)
Natalia Borissova (from Russia, lives and works in Berlin/Munich)
Justin Tyler Tate (from Canada/USA, lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia)
Johanna Sophie Santos Bassetti (from Spain/USA, lives and worsk in Berlin)
Hanna Husberg (from Finland, lives and works in Paris)
Jodi Rose (from Australia, lives and works in Berlin)
Gwen-Aël Lynn (from France/USA, lives and works in Chicago)
Ernest Truely (from USA, lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia)
Marjolein Houben (from Netherlands, lives and works in Berlin) and Irmelin Joelson (Sweden, Gothenburg)
T-R-A-C-E-S and Nordic Artists are warming up in the residency
- Published on Monday, 11 April 2011 20:20
Since the end of March Colony started to welcome Artists in residency. At the moment there are 10 artists working in the Colony.
You can follow photo&video documentation of all the activities on our Facebook page
Nordic residencies (April-May, 2011)
Tamara Henderson (from Canada, lives and works in Stockholm)
Krišs Salmanis (Latvia)
Marta Vosyliūtė (Lithuania) residencies (23rd March-31st May)
Natalia Borissova (from Russia, lives and works in Berlin/Munich)
Justin Tyler Tate (from Canada/USA, lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia)
Johanna Sophie Santos Bassetti (from Spain/USA, lives and worsk in Berlin)
Hanna Husberg (from Finland, lives and works in Paris)
Jodi Rose (from Australia, lives and works in Berlin)
Ernest Truely (from USA, lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia)
Marjolein Houben (from Netherlands, lives and works in Berlin) and Irmelin Joelson (Sweden, Gothenburg)
NAC Preview to the Community of Vilnius Academy of Arts
- Published on Tuesday, 22 March 2011 20:31
On 19th of March we made the NAC Preview to the Community of Vilnius Academy of Arts. The colony was hosting more than 100 students and professors. The space of the colony became open studios where different departments were showing their works and processes: photography, videoart, sculpture, printmaking, painting, textile, architecture, design, ceramics, etc. The outcomes of one week long audiovisual workshop was presented as a performance and exhibition.
Pictures are in NAC Facebook page or in Flickr account.