Nida AIR welcomes new residents for July, 2011

In July Nida Art Colony welcomed new residents from various fields: research, art and design. After their first presentations and small socialising between each other on 9th of July (pictures on our Facebook album), they are going to make more extensive and interactive presentation of their works during open studio days in the end of July - please follow our website.


CORO collective (Eglė Budvytytė, Goda Budvytytė & Ieva Misevičiūtė; Lithuania/Netherlands)
Jochen Weber (Germany)
Fiona Flynn & Sasha Kachur (UK)
Daniel Toca (Mexico)

Art researcher
Dr. Alg
ė Andriulytė (Lithuania)

Migrating Art Academies Laboratory VI - CouchSurfing

July 17th – 21st, 2011. Nida Art Colony, Taikos str. 43, LT-93121 Neringa

The 6th laboratory of the Migrating Art Academies (MigAA) project continues with its shaping format – a synthesis of mobility, art and sciences. The CouchSurfing laboratory aims to bring together more than 10 European art universities and other cultural organisations to set rules for a cooperation model which will offer emerging artists professional knowledge and feasible mobility. The proposed network of cultural organisations offers a low-budget model for artistic collaboration and tutoring based on “CouchSurfing”, the practice of moving from one friend’s house to another and sleeping in whatever spare space is available.

The CouchSurfing laboratory will reside at the Nida Art Colony quarters on the Baltic coast. Representatives from 13 art universities from 10 European countries: Lithuania, Norway, the United Kingdom, Estonia, France, Germany, Finland, Poland, Sweden and Belgium are all taking part in the project.


17th July 2011
16:00 Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis on Fluxus (guest lecture)
18:00 Performance Video-Dinner

18th-21st July 2011
10:00-14:00 Workshop (participants only)

20th July 2011
Live streaming (over internet; follow announcements on the website)
10:00-14:00 Seminar

21st July 2011
Live streaming (over internet; follow announcements on the website)
10:00-14:00 Seminar


Further development of the project looks to implement proposed ideas; representatives of collaborating organisations will offer a list of planned international seminars, workshops and lectures while emerging artists, art students and other creatives will attend proposed events.

The MigAA project is an ongoing aggregate network of participating art academies, people and events. A radical departure from the traditional learning process within bricks-and-mortar, MigAA released a cadre of graduate art students for a series of mobile and located explorations that, literally, spanned Europe, from the Baltic beaches of Lithuania to the Gironde Estuary in France, the Tatras mountains of Slovakia and elsewhere. With public manifestations in Linz, Austria at the prestigious Ars Electronica festival, in Berlin at the Collegium Hungaricum, in Royan, France and numerous other places on the way, the students piloted their Media RVs (recreational vehicles) along the highways and byways of Europe.

Migrating Art Academies CouchSurfing is kindly supported by the Culture Support Foundation of the Republic of Lithuania, the Nordic Culture Point, the Embassy of Sweden in Vilnius and the Embassy of Norway in Vilnius. CouchSurfing is organised by Vilnius Academy of Art in cooperation with Academy of Media Arts Cologne, the Goethe Institut, the >top Association supporting cultural practices, the Lithuanian German Forum Association in Vilnius, the Nida Art Colony and the Thomas Mann Museum in Neringa.

More information about the project

How to watch stars in Nida?

July 6th 20:00 open lecture about astronomy in Nida Art Colony by professional astronomer Algimantas Černiauskas.

Open Studio Afternoon on 25th of June

16-21 h

artists in residency presents their works:

GINTARAS MAKAREVIČIUS KITUR, documentary film, 20 min., 2011

CAROL MÜLLER (France) TREES STORY and STUDIO, photo installation, 2011

LINAS RIMŠA LEAVING, electroacustical composition for violin, bass, piano, percussion and spatial sound system, 6 min., 2011

Vilnius Academy of Arts students and professors presents: Vilniaus dailės akademijos animacijos, keramikos ir dizaino studentai ir jų dėstytojai rodo:

ILJA BEREZNICKAS BAUBAS & CO, animation film, ~60 min., 1987-2009

MONIKA ŽEKNYTĖ TANATO SIENA, animation film, 22 min., 2011

SIGITA KUČIKAITĖ ĮKVĖPIMAS, animation film, 7 min., 2010

performances, actions, etc.

18-19 h AGNĖ NARUŠYTĖ Lithuanian Photography: the history of present
- talking about book-in-progress

21-24 h presentation of the workshop ALFONSO, WHAT IS GOING ON THE FILMS? outcomes in hangar (organizer ngo “Meno avilys”)

Kolonija yra Taikos g. 43, pakeliui į Nidos kempingą ir Parnidžio kopą

Daugiau informacijos, tel. 8616 55141, 8 469 20370

Plakatą kūrė Vilniaus dailės akademijos vizualiojo dizaino studentai Neringa Martinėnaitė ir Martynas Lapas

Call for Events and Rent of Facilities for 2011 Autumn

NAC welcomes proposals from other organisations and curators to make cultural or educational events it its premises (including accommodating participants). Check renting and accommodation prices and use the the 50% discount given to cultural or educational institutions. If you want to rent our premises and accommodate participants (up to 63), please download and fill in the application form and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 30th of June. You can also apply for rent throughout the year, if any free places are left after the deadline.

If NAC does not house events organised by cultural or educational institutions, its premises can be rented to institutions engaged in other activities.
Contact the Colony for further details.


Open air cinema and public lectures during Workshop: Moving Images as a Fluid Memory

Project Contemporary Past: Moving Images as a Fluid Memory is showing open air cinema and presenting public lectures by prominent artists from cinema and contemporary art.

Nida Art Colony, Taikos g. 43, Nida

Friday, 10 June

19.45 Public lecture Some Notes on Collected Memory, including thematic screening of lectuter's films (Jasper Rigole, University College Ghent)

21.30 Cinema under the open sky: Prisoners of War, dir. Yervant Gianikian & Angela Ricci Lucchi, 1995, Italy, 67 min.

Saturday, 11 June

19.45 Public lecture My Images in Their Images. Revival of the marginalized memories (Kamal Aljafari, Duke University)

21.30 Cinema under the open sky: Port of Memory, dir. Kamal Aljafari, 2010, Germany/France/UAE, 62 min.

Thursday, 16 June

19.30 Artist talk by Deimantas Narkevičius (Lithuania)

Friday, 17 June

22.00 Cinema under the open sky: Eternity and a Day, dir. Theo Angelopoulos, 1998, Greece, 137 min.

Saturday, 18 June

21.45-23.45 Cinema under the open sky: The House, dir. Šarūnas Bartas, 1997, Lithuania/France/Portugal, 120 min.

Sunday, 19 June

19.00 Public presentation of student projects

Vilnius, cinema center “Skalvija”

Friday, 17 June

19.00 The Roof, dir. Kamal Aljafari, 2010, Palestine/Germany, 61 min

21.00 Port of Memory, dir. Kamal Aljafari, 2010, Germany/France/UAE, 62 min

Saturday, 18 June

17.00 The Roof, dir. Kamal Aljafari, 2010, Palestine/Germany, 61 min

19.00 Port of Memory, dir. Kamal Aljafari, 2010, Germany/France/UAE, 62 min

Call for AIR in October-January (3 grants)

Nida Art Colony announces the third call for artist-in-residency programme for residencies between October 2011 and January 2012. Artists are invited to one of the five 65 sq. m. studios to live and work in outstanding environment. For this period we have 3 grants available for Nordic/Baltic residents, however we can host up to 7 artists/curators without grants. Other seleceted applicants are issued support letters and encouraged to look for financial assistance on their own. For residencies without grants studio rent is 312 eur/month. The rent includes all facilities and use of equipment. Please e-mail your application form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 15th of June, 2011. Due to the big number of applications, only selected applicants will be notified.

Nidos-Meno-Batteries workshop with Natalia Borissova Ru/De

May 21, 2011

Register till May 20th 16.00 at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


May 21, 2011, from 11pm til you're "dead".
To last longer - lunch brake 1 hour somewhere in between

The hands-on introductive workshop to home made galvanic battery and using electrolytes naturally found in foodstuff/organic materials as a low power energy source and as a musical instrument (at the same time), to transfer an electrical confusion into sound by having it travel through electro(al)chemical environments of natural cells and simple electronic circuit powered by those batteries.


How it works; Hands on (low power); Disassembling consumer batteries; Assembling food batteries involving various kind of foodstuff, liquids and conductive matters; Wiring cells; Voltage and current; Raw or cooked; Assembling a simple sound-module on Hex Inverter IC on a solder-less breadboard.
Playing around with your electrolytic environments, per- formatively or site-specifically


Every one who likes to experiment with "noise" of low power, lo-fi and low-tech.
10 participants maximum.

|Remember to bring|

-Your creative energy for the whole day
-Different foodstuffs: boiled potato(!), raw hard vegetables/ fruits and some acid-based liquid (vinegar, wine, coca-cola etc)
you find in your kitchen in any amount.
-"Dead" batteries Alkaline and Lithium/"Energaizer" 1.5-9V (if you have some)