Curators & Experts

The concept of the programme is developed, the residencies and the exhibitions of the programme are/will be curated by two curators - Eglė Mikalajūnė (LT) and Samir M'kadmi (NO).


EGLĖ MIKALAJŪNĖ has worked as a curator at the National Gallery of Art (NGA) in Vilnius, Lithuania, since 2007. She has curated a number of Lithuanian and international art exhibitions, and contemporary art projects in Lithuania and abroad, including the interdisciplinary project Imagining the Absence (presented at The Forgotten Pioneer Movement, District, Berlin, 2014), the exhibitions About Neighbors and Passers-By. Documentations of Performances from the 1970s and 1980s (NGA, Vilnius, 2012), Monuments that Are Not. A Walk around Vilnius (NGA, Vilnius, 2011) and A Million and One Days (NGA, Vilnius, 2010). She publishes articles in the Lithuanian and the international press. She has lectured at Vilnius Academy of Arts since 2011.



SAMIR M’KADMI is a Norwegian visual artist and independent curator. He has organized, curated and contributed to numerous shows and events in Norway and abroad. He was the curator of Meeting Point [59°54’49”N – 10°43’44”E] (2005), in collaboration with Samira Jamouchi. The exhibition was shown at the Stenersen Museum, and tackled issues such as dictatorship, democracy, freedom of speech, identity, diversity, language, feminism, and postcolonial critique. In 2006 M’kadmi was elected as head of the Norwegian national jury (2006 and 2007) with the curatorial charge of Høstutstillingen, the largest annual exhibition in Norway. M’kadmi was the curator of the nationwide touring exhibition Recycling the Looking Glass, Trash Art - Found Objects (2008-2010). The show featured many international artists, and was accompanied by a series of seminars on art and ecology. He is currently curator of the touring exhibition In The National Museum’s Blind Spot (2014-2016), which is co-produced by the Norwegian National Museum and The Office for Transnational Arts Production (TrAP). M’kadmi has published several articles and catalogue essays. He has been a member of the editorial board of the Norwegian Art Review Billedkunst, and a member of the board of Norsk Form. He has led the expert committee for the visual arts and crafts at the Norwegian Art Council, and he is currently a board member of the Norwegian National Museum for Art, Architecture and Design.



The curators have invited three experts to contribute to the Project Seminar on 1-3 October 2015 in Nida Art Colony:


EMANUEL ALMBORG (SE) is an artist whose work is often research-based and includes film, photography, installation and lectures and deals with themes around community and communication, utopian imagination, history and education. Currently he is also a PhD candidate at The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden.

RODDY BELL (NO) is an artist working with drawing, painting, video, texts, sound, and installation. Much of his installation works involve re-contextualizing elements and found objects, often within site specific spaces. He has for many years been involved in teaching at several Norwegian art academies and is professor emeritus from the Norwegian University Of Life Sciences at Ås.

MARIANA CORTESÃO studies and practices yoga, gardening, community living, permaculture, improvisation and contact dance, singing, drawing. She does "seva", cook for groups, have a nomadic restaurant that opens in festivals and gatherings, and a little clothing brand with designs called “tartaruga: ancient future earth wear”. She travels quite a bit and has been singing to the water, lessening, siting around the fire and going up the mountains with elders and families of different traditions of this earth for a long wile. In Nida she will run a sweat lodge, as she does when ever she is called to.