Fresh UX Academy



Practical seminars and creative workshops

Fresh UX Academy

11-15 November 2019
Nida Art Colony


On the 11-15 November program of practical seminars and creative workshops “Fresh UX Academy” took place at Nida Art Colony. This event was carried out within the framework of the project “Paradigm shift from traditional to creative industries - the essence for sustainable regional development” (CCI & Sustainability)

User experience (UX) design based thinking became a key methodology in implementation of online and other digital media projects. Students and young professionals had an intense week of learning UX design strategies and implementation scenarios for solving everyday life problems. Workshop tutors from globally known and leading UX design solutions company shared their knowledge, insights, experience and guided workshop participants from the problem identification to its solutions.

Four participants from Latvia - two from “Liepaja Music, Art and Design School” (PIKC LMMDV), two from Kuldiga, Latvia, as well Klaipeda Culture Communication Center (KKKC) were invited to participate in the workshop “Fresh UX Academy”. Others were selected through an Open Call.


The educational programme of Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts is held in the framework of joint project No. LLI-338 Paradigm shift from “traditional” to creative industries – the essence for sustainable regional development. LLI-338 (CCI & Sustainability), implemented under the INTERREG V-A Latvia – Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. Leading partner: Kuldīga District Municipality, project partners: Klaipeda Culture Communication Center, Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts, Liepāja Creative Industry Cluster, and The Centre of Competency Based Professional Education “Liepaja Music, Art and Design School”. The total budget of the project is EUR 220,193.06, including EUR 187,164.08 of the ERDF funding.

This information is prepared with European Union financial support. The content of this information is entirely under the responsibility of Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts, and in no circumstances can it be considered an official position of the European Union.

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Photos by Julija Navarskaitė