Appropriated Territories 15 07–01 08 2013

Marcus Coates, Out of Season, 2000. 
Video, 9’40
Appropriated Territories: Attack, Defence and Creation
15th July – 1st August, 2013
Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts (E. A. Jonušo str 3, Nida)

Exhibition Appropriated Territories, was organized in the context of Thom Mann festival. The festivals theme – In Search for Homeland  was inspired by the book by Czesław Miłosz. Thom Mann along with Czesław Miłosz are two world-renowned writers, a German and a Polish, that have worked and lived in Lithuania in their time (Thom Mann has spent a few summers in Nida, while Czesław Miłosz as a child lived in the northern part of Lithuania). Both of them loved their homeland, but given the politic circumstances, their rapport with their homeland was a problematic one.

Exhibition adresses all of the surrounding contexts  that of the nature, the culture-political, the artistic-creative, with an attempt to find some uniting threads. The main subject of the exhibition is so called homeland”  a territory that we perceive, feel and define as ours. Home might be a cosy nest as well as gigantic political constructs, such as the state, even the communities as those of soccer fans, or scientific truths that give us the feeling of security.

The defense of ones own territory is more often than not binded with conflict  it might be football fan riot, a scandal between the neighbors, scientific dispute or wars consuming human lives. This exhibition gives a sort of a transparent insight to the creation of the territories, their attacks and their defense.

The exhibition is not about concrete homelands or self-identification with them, it is dedicated to the mechanisms that create homelands, the mosaics that they generate and their reciprocal processes.

Curator Eglė Mikalajūnė


Société Réaliste, Culture states: Greater Europe, 2008
societe realiste 2
Société Réaliste, Culture states: Greater Europe, 2008
 teritorija 3
 mikko kuorinki
Mikko Kuorinki, The Order of Things, 2012
Mark Lewis, Algonquin Park Early March, 2002
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 r narkus
r narkus 2
Robertas Narkus, Stars are Holes, 2010
Photos by NAC and Vytautas Paplauskas