At last year’s Venice Architecture Biennale, for nearly seven months, the invigilators of the “Children’s Forest Pavilion” took care of a fragment of the Curonian Spit forest, carefully installed inside one of Campo de la Tana residential courtyards. Thousands of visitors came through the pavilion doors with different temperaments, determination, and intentions. Not everyone was interested in the biennale. Not everyone knew where they ended up. Not everyone has heard of Lithuania. Not all were adults. Not all were children. Almost everyone played.

After returning from Venice, we ask the question: who played at this year’s Architecture Biennale – children? parents? lichen? bark beetles? curators? architects? stararchitects? artists? Venetians? tourists? colonizers? decolonizers?…

We will identify the players and the rules of the game in the stories of curators and attendants of this year’s Lithuanian Pavilion. We will meet on February 17, at the Vilnius University Ideas Observatory, to discuss biennials, especially those in Venice, especially those of architecture.

Students of architecture and various fields of art who are interested in the experiences, lessons, responsibilities, and joys of the pavilion’s invigilators, are especially welcome.

Program of the first part of the event:
13:00 – Introduction by “Children’s Forest Pavilion” curators
13:30-15:15 – Invigilator’s presentations
15:15-16:00 – Discussion / Q&A session

More about Children’s forest pavilion: