29 November 2024, 3pm
Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts
E. A. Jonušo g. 3
Nida LT-93127
Writing is surreal. I wake up. I write. I look at the falling leaves blown by the wind from the tall windows in the library and imagine the wind against my skin as I continue to write. I walk to the sea, taking deep breaths and feeling the crunch of the sand under my feet. I continue to write. I have a hard time feeling the passage of time. Minutes, hours, days, weeks.
I have been writing about and around my practice and as practice while I practiced being situated. I will share some snippets of what it feels like endless loops of writing at this point, juxtaposed with documentation from my work. Please bring your ears and eye along and nothing else.
Organised by Mona Hedayati as part of her NAC artist residency.