Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts is hosting the first ELIA Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity (EDI) Platform Meeting organised by the ELIA’s EDI Working Group with participation of anthropologist, psychologist, and educator Aminata Cairo as main speaker, and ELIA members from all artistic disciplines and designations to engage with issues of equity, diversity and inclusivity in Higher Arts Education.
The way in which we navigate space(s) is inevitably connected to existing power structures and societal agreements that are performed and enacted by all of us. Spaces form and define our movements and interactions.
Under the theme: taking space – making space, ELIA’s EDI Working Group invites to engage with questions of who, historically, has taken space, who has been denied space, and who is creating space in higher arts education today? Through which frame do we perceive the space we’re in? As faculty, artists, administrative staff and students from different backgrounds and disciplines, how do we navigate and situate ourselves in spaces, within and around our art academies?
Besides the workshop and reflection sessions by Aminata Cairo, the 2-day gathering is formed by 14 workshops and contributions developed and proposed by:
Érica Faleiro Rodrigues
Lusófona University, European Alliance FilmEU, Portugal
Pratāp Rughani
University of the Arts London, United Kingdom
Zoë Poluch, Marit Shirin Carolasdotter
Stockholm University of the Arts, Sweden
Silvia Ferrando Luquin
Institut del teatre de Barcelona, Spain
Ruth Mateus-Berr, Pia Scharler, Lisa Kielmeier & Alexandra Andrea Rusz
University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria
Katja Thomson
Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Carolina Vasilikou
Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester School of Art, United Kingdom
Rosa te Velde, Paulina Mendez
Amsterdam University of the Arts, the Netherlands
Sunedria Nicholls-Gärtner
ifs internationale filmschule köln, Germany
Rosie Nicholas, W. Victoria Lee
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh College of Art, United Kingdom
Nona Sadey, Magda Thielemans
Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp & Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, Belgium
Ronen Abas
HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, the Netherlands
Alessia Cargnelli
National College of Art & Design Dublin, Ireland
Stefanie Rau
weißensee school of art and design, Germany
The evening programme includes a dance ritual performance by the inclusive theater/performance group GRIESSNER STADL with Lebenshilfe Murau and the University of Applied Arts Vienna with Ruth Mateus-Berr, Alexandra Leitgeb, Anita Winkler, Marina Trippl, Nici Daros, Tamara Hotter, Andreas Oberweger, Daniel Wiedemaier, Ferdinand Nagele, Gerhard Url, Gert Engelbrecht, Manfred Daros, Philipp Rirsch & Simon Angermann
Full Programme of the Platform Meeting 2024
EDI Working Group
ELIA’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Working Group was formed in 2021 under the guidance of Chair, Cecilia Roos, Vice Rector for Research at Stockholm University of the Arts.
Members of the EDI Working Group include:
Ankna Arockiam
Royal Conservatoure of Scotland
Mata Ayoub
Kingston University London, Kingston School of Art (ELIA Representative Board)
Vânia Gala
London Contemporary Dance School (The Place)
Egija Inzule
Nida Art Colony Vilnius Art Academy
Jyoti Mistry
Gothenburg University, Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Art
Ali Şahin
Willem de Kooning Academy / Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Núria Sempere
Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC)
Ingrid Schacherl
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Maria Hansen
ELIA Executive Director
Amalia Smyrnioti
ELIA Web and Community Officer
The activities organised by the working group are announced on the ELIA Website.