21 July – 23 July
Sunrise to sunrise
Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts
E. A. Jonušo Str. 3
Nida LT-93127
+++ Live-stream on raiono radio
21 July
sunrise – 6pm
Special sound mixes by Queer Womxn Dj Collective, Lukas Danys among others
Obsession, exhibition opening with reading of Zoe Leonard’s This is where I was
9pm – 2am
Sapfo Festival Fundraiser with Sapfofest Team, live DJ sets by Moteris, Butch Kiss, Radsnakez, radio drag performance by Querelle
22 July
Guided tour through the exhibition Obsession with curator and artist Anastasia Sosunova
Artists talk with Felix Kalmenson
Trans* joy is a non-negotiable: an artist Talk with Fadescha
Nightlife, Care, and Experiences of Inclusion
Live panel with Fadescha (Party Office), Gabrielė Gervickaitė (Gabo), Dovilė Butnoriūtė (Moteris), Viktorija Kolbešnikova (Išgirsti), Alex Cohan (Trans Autonomija), Vika Matuzaitė (Butch Kiss)
Moderated by Dovilė Lapinskaitė (raiono radio)
Party Office: Mad Time Warp
11pm – sunrise
Special sound mixes by Queer Womxn Dj Collective, Lukas Danys among others
48h raiono radio live in Nida is funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture, Neringa Municipality, Goethe-Institut, Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture.