about Nida Art Colony
- Informacija
- Paskelbta: 2011 sausio 03, Pirmadienis 08:38
Jurij Dobriakov is writing for on Nida Art Colony and T.R.A.C.E.S. (02 01 2011, in Lithuanian). Try Google Translator (rather readable translation into English)
Reconstruction is about to be finished
- Informacija
- Paskelbta: 2010 gruodžio 17, Penktadienis 21:19
The reconstruction of Nida Art Colony is about to be finished. Please take a look at the gallery. The opening is planned in March 2011. Very soon we will announce application deadlines for art & education events organised at the Colony in 2011.
NAC is participating in TRACES/EARZOOM in Ljubljana
- Informacija
- Paskelbta: 2010 spalio 03, Sekmadienis 11:28
Nida Art Colony is starting a collaboration project called T.R.A.C.E.S. together with IRZU (SLO) and Transcultures (BE). Curator Vytautas Michelkevicius and invited curator/critic Jurij Dobriakov are making presentations in the festival EARZOOM.
Artist-in-Residence Programme grants
- Informacija
- Paskelbta: 2010 gegužės 23, Sekmadienis 22:00
NAC hosts about 50 artists-in-residency per year and about one third is supported by grants. NAC has two recurrent grants: a yearly Goethe Institute Grant for young German artists (by invitation only) and a yearly Neringa Municipality Grant for Lithuanian artists dealing with local issues (by open call). Other grants are project-based and vary year to year. Please, check the actual call for details.