about Nida Art Colony

Jurij Dobriakov is writing for on Nida Art Colony and T.R.A.C.E.S. (02 01 2011, in Lithuanian). Try Google Translator (rather readable translation into English)

Reconstruction is about to be finished

The reconstruction of Nida Art Colony is about to be finished. Please take a look at the gallery. The opening is planned in March 2011. Very soon we will announce application deadlines for art & education events organised at the Colony in 2011.

NAC is participating in TRACES/EARZOOM in Ljubljana

Nida Art Colony is starting a collaboration project called T.R.A.C.E.S. together with IRZU (SLO) and Transcultures (BE). Curator Vytautas Michelkevicius and invited curator/critic Jurij Dobriakov are making presentations in the festival EARZOOM.

Artist-in-Residence Programme grants

NAC hosts about 50 artists-in-residency per year and about one third is supported by grants. NAC has two recurrent grants: a yearly Goethe Institute Grant for young German artists (by invitation only) and a yearly Neringa Municipality Grant for Lithuanian artists dealing with local issues (by open call). Other grants are project-based and vary year to year. Please, check the actual call for details.