Open Studios in January 2017

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Project by Natalija Vujosevic
On the last weekend of January, six VAA Nida Art Colony's residents Romina Abate (IT/DE), Vytautas Germanavičius (LT), Natalija Vujosevic (YU/ME), Bas Ketelaars (NL), Mykolas Piekuras (LT) and Cécile Ibarra (FR/BE) presented their projects during the Open Studios event.
Natalija Vujosevic (YU/ME) worked on a new installation titled “Body”. The installation is inspired by the constructed lifestyle of a socialist society, as well as its material relics. A lifestyle shaped in all spheres, from ideology to production.

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Romina Abate (IT/DE) focused on sculptural issues. The artist was inspired by the city of Klaipeda and its sculptures. She connected her body with the artifacts she found in the surroundings in order to expand their semantic and semiotic contents. Romina Abate has created multi-layered installations which will be on show soon at Galerie 21, Künstlerhaus im Vorwerkstift, Hamburg.

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During her first month in Nida Cécile Ibarra (FR/BE) was concentrating on the territory around Nida and working on her ongoing research into the constructive relations of landscape and identity.The main object for her new research is a border between the Kaliningrad Oblast and Lithuania.
























Bas Ketelaars (NL) works on drawings based on projections of images of nature. During his stay at NAC he experimented in different ways to make the process of drawing more vital with more than just one result as outcome.


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During the residency Mykolas Piekuras (LT) researched the methodology of observation, and focused on hunting watchtowers as his research object. In spring one of the watchtowers will be transformed into a sculptural project in public space.


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During the residency Vytautas Germanavičius (LT) created a new solo piece for harpsichord titled “Running Dunes”, and did a new arrangement for saxophones and string quartet for his last year's premiere, “Underwater Geometry” for bass, soprano saxophones and orchestra. 

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Photos by Julija Navarskaitė and Jorė Janavičiūtė