"Looking for Simon/e": artistic project by Lina Žigelytė

Given that tomorrow Lina Žigelytė is going out to Nida town to present her project "Searching for Simon/e", we have the pleasure and the honor to give you all the link to the soundscape of the project and to invite all of you coming to Nida at any time, to use is and take the virtual tour, constructed by Lina.

Download the soundscape here.

"all began as a wordplay. in the summer of 1965, simone de beauvoir, came to nida with jean paul sartre. this was part of a week-long trip to lithuania, organized by the soviets. not much is known about her experiences in nida, save for a few lines in the memoir. here we find out that simone de beauvoir was particularly taken by the dunes and the sea.


another reference relates to simon peter, one of the most famous fishermen of all time. nida is still remembered for local fishing industry, but it is gradually dying. the figure of simon haunts this utopian landscape, because he, like the fishermen of nida, abandoned usual business. ailed for faith and castigated for betrayal, simon is an intruiging companion.

this walk brings together the two figures, because both invoke the question about distance and memory, faith and doubt, bodies and relationships. the project is a dreamlike quest for neither simon or simone in particular. rather it is an opportunity to wonder about encounters with strangers and how they affect us."