Discussion: Why Cut When You Can Fade?

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Graphic design by Taktika Studio.

Why Cut When You Can Fade?

2 August, 7pm


Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts
E. A. Jonušo Str. 3
Nida LT-93127


Cine-Experiments in Vitality, a facilitated discussion of cinema, choreography, and vitality and embodied technique.


Organized by Alternative Cinema Festival "Suspaustas Laikas"


Why Cut When You Can Fade? is designed to start a conversation around the works in progress of three local artists. Greta Grinevičiute (LMTA), Miglė Križinauskaitė-Bernotienė (LMTA) and Miklós Ambrózy (VDA) are all invested in cinema through diverse modes of making films and hybrid performances. By opening up their works-in-progress, these artists invite you to join the process of making itself. Breaking with the heteronormative assumptions of the artist as hero, the audience is invited to shape new works in a moment of vulnerability and social insight.



1 / Please Buy Me a Washing Machine / nebaigtas darbas / Performed by: Greta Grineviciute / 15' – 20'


 2 / Blue Mountain. White Cloud / nebaigtas darbas / Performed by: Miglė Križinauskaitė-Bernotienė / 20'


 3 / Granitepoints: Film Gestures in Minor Key / performance in progress / Miki Ambrózy, Filippos Raskovic, Gailė Griciūtė / 25'

The event is free of charge

Funded by the Lithuanian Film Centre, Neringa Municipality, Neringa Culture and Tourism Information Centre Agila, companies Epson, DUV and Clear Channel