NAC Residency Programme
- Published on Monday, 31 July 2023 09:20
Berilsu Tarcan, Exploring Symbols through More-than-Human Worlds, 2021. Photo by Berilsu Tarcan.
For the period of July – September artists Berilsu Tarcan and and Thomas Steineder are staying and working at NAC.
Weavers’ Residency Programme Berilsu Tarcan (born in Izmir, Turkey; based in Trondheim, Norway) is a researcher, designer and maker. Her interests include textiles, material culture, and decolonial as well as posthuman theories. She studied industrial design and has previously worked in academia in Turkey. From 2020, Tarcan works as a practice-based PhD candidate at NTNU, Norway. Her PhD project aims to understand different agencies through the lens of materials, motifs and geographies. She is exploring felting, a traditional way of making artefacts, employed by nomadic people (e.g. Yoruks), to incorporate traditional/indigenous knowledges into more-than-human frameworks, as intruders to human-centrism in design. Her works were exhibited and presented in networks such as Young Balkan Designers (2016), DRS (2022), and CA2RE (2021, 2022), among others. Weavers’ Residency focus on the practice of weaving and the analogue loom as a ground material to open up other ways of reading the unique landscape of Nida – its colour palette, the embodied knowledge, and the socio-political context, which highlights the necessity of skills, some lost and forgotten, some newly discovered. Weavers’ residency is funded by Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture NAC and AIR – ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Niederösterreich Programme As part of the ongoing collaboration between NAC and the Municipality of Vorarlberg in Bregenz Thomas Steineder is staying anad working at NAC for the months of August and September. Thomas Steineder lives and works in Vienna and Lower Austria in the extended field of photography. He is currently working on a series called "decisive gesture", creating analogue photographs that explore photographic production as a physical imprint of the body and as an expanded concept of mark making, treating the analogue image as a physical representation of an embodied experience. Last year he also published the book Algorithmic Walking with edition Fotohof in Salzburg.