KUNO Seminar: Common Boundaries — Applications Open


Image courtesy of KUNO.

Common Boundaries

Teaching period: Feb 6-11, 2023

Location: Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania

Teacher(s): Agata Marzecova and Sean Tyler(Estonian Academy of Arts)


Number of available places for KUNO students: 10

Level: MA 

Course description

This research workshop explores how struggles over the boundaries between economy and society, production and reproduction, and work from family are brought into light through the concept of commons. Through the lens of materialist feminism,  we will critically interrogate the notion of commons and commoning, but also explore its creative possibilities as a method to coproduction of diverse knowledge and different models of sharing.  

The workshop will take the Curonian Spit national park as a vantage point from which to investigate these curiosities, beyond the Baltic area, along with ways in which these histories have been challenged in the context of specific urban and natural environments.  

The Nida Art Colony (NAC) and the Curonian Spit will act as cases of our investigation through a series of excursions, workshops, seminars and student-led enquiries into critical theory, interdisciplinary knowledge-production and artistic research.

MA students with backgrounds in arts, writing, architecture, design, ecology and related fields interested to exchange knowledge and learn from each other are welcome to apply.

Application deadline: Jan 15, 2023

How to apply: Candidates should apply by sending both a CV (1-2 pages) and a maximum 500-word statement outlining how your interest pairs with the course’s focus to Agata Marzecova This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Sean Tyler This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Additional information: The workshop will take place at the Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts, E. A. Jonušo str. 3, Neringa LT-93127, Lithuania. The teaching period starts on Monday evening (February 6th, 19.00) and ends on Saturday morning (February 11th). Travel, accommodation, and meals are to be paid by the participants. Accommodation prices are as follows: a room with shared bathroom costs 16€ / person / night or a room with private bathroom 24€ / person. Rooms are shared by 2-4 students.

Financial Support by KUNO:
Travel support between countries: 330 € (except 660 € to/from Iceland)
Subsistence: 250 € per week (5-7 days).