17 July: Neringa sourced timber bark and plants textiles dyeing workshop


Fairies. Photo by Laura Garbštienė.
Workshop by Laura Garbstiene and Mindaugas Rasimavičius
Saturday, 17 July, 2 pm
Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts
E. A. Jonušo str. 3
Nida LT-93127
Participants (max. 20 people) must register here.
During the workshop participants will learn introductory techniques for applying dye to wool yarn and linen fabrics. Also we will talk on the history of natural dyes and discuss the tools and materials that have been used at various times and locations to create color with organic materials, as well as excess and sustainability in ecology of making. Materials and tools will be provided.
Laura Garbštienė’s recent practice encompasses temporal art forms and reflections on natural phenomena, ecological awareness, domesticity, and the decline of rural life. Since 2013 Garbštienė has lived in Šklėriai, a small village near Dzūkija National Park, with a small herd of Skudde sheep, where she promotes spinning as an anti-capitalist movement to unite people from diverse cultural backgrounds. In 2017 she started Verpėjos (The Spinners) – an artist run initiative to research and discuss rural traditional lifestyle and nature preservation on a local and global scale.
Mindaugas Rasimavičius obtained his PhD in Botany at Vilnius University in 2015 and since then has been interested in yarn dyeing with plants. Rasimavičius sees this practice as another opportunity to get to know the world of plants up close. Extracting colour is like touching the plant from the inside - a process in which scientific knowledge is sometimes not enough and you need a particular sense of intuitive anticipation. This is where the charm comes in - the unexpected. The more the unexpected, the more charm and joy, as well as questions for the future.