16 and 17 July: Performance by Nicolas Buzzi and Harmony

Nicolas Buzzi and Harmony, SuspendedGesturesVOLUMES, Photo by Jan Bolomey.
Friday, 16 July, 7 pm
Saturday, 17 July, 7 pm 
Nida Art Colony of the Vilnius Academy of Arts
E. A. Jonušo str. 3
Nida LT-93127
Log Log, 2021, Performance by Nicolas Buzzi and Harmony  
Duration: approx. 30 Minutes
In Log Log, the physical territory is seen as a shared space. Log log stands for an abstraction of a log, specifically a piece of tree trunk from a mountain pine, a material trace of the histories touching on that particular physical territory. Log log also stands for log file, an automatically produced file that contains a record of specific events. Log log stands for the choreography of immaterial and material traces we cannot grasp but that inform our movements.
In Log Log, four performers play through motion sensors systems with an instrument, named the Papierorgel, or for the sake of clarity, four performers interact with their movements with computer-controlled activation  mechanisms of certain modes of a column of air through a recursive system consisting of paper tube, loudspeaker and microphone.
The Papierorgel is a system of microphone, amplifier and loudspeaker that is used as a drive to make certain partial tone mixtures and single modes of the tubes sound in desired duration, volume as well as oscillation and decay. In addition, the system allows variation of the partial tone tuning. A special computer program is used to control the tonal parameters. By using multiband filters and controlling the phase and amplitude of the individual partials, it is possible to vary the tonal responses of this relatively simple system.
Although not a component, the underlying element of the Papierorgel is the feedback between the speaker and the microphone. When a microphone converts sound into a signal, and that signal is in turn converted into sound by a loudspeaker that is sonically connected to the microphone, the system can be made to self-excite. An excitement caused by and through physical means of vibrations and affects, enticing the listener with the experience of being part of a precarious equilibrium system whose articulated relationships are precisely the poetics of the systems motion.
Harmony (Martina Andrea Buzzi) lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland. She works in performance and Improvisation music. In her work she creates phantasmagoric narratives in which facts and fiction merge into personal mythologies. Harmony has performed and exhibited Kunsthalle Fribourg, CH, Architecture Biennale, São Paolo, BR, The Photographic, UG im Folkwang, Essen, DE,  VOLUMES, Kunsthalle, Zürich, CH, Agency of cunnlingus, les complices, Zürich, Schweiz, Opening Weekend, Cabaret Voltaire, CH, Caravan, Kunsthaus Aarau, CH Alpina Huus, Le commun, Geneva, CH, Legs Performance Festival, Kunstraum Klingenthal, Basel, CH.
Nicolas Buzzi currently works and lives in Zurich and Frankfurt. Buzzi combines composition with performance practice in order to respond to specific requirements and possibilities of electronic music, a field that allows a rethinking of the role distribution predominant in western art music. Buzzi treats the instruments inherent ability to define and shape temporal processes as well as spatiality as a strategy to negotiate historical, cultural ballast. His work is and was presented at the Venice Architecture Biennale, the HEK Basel, the HKW Berlin, the Istituto Svizzero, Kampnagel Hamburg, at NUP 2020 Tallinn, the Kölnischer Kunstverein, at Kunsthaus Bregenz, Kunstmuseum Basel, Locarno Film Festival, São Paulo Architecture Biennial, Schauspielhaus Zurich, Taylor Macklin Zurich or ZKM Karlsruhe.