Open Studios by Artists-in-residency in September 2012
- Published on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 22:00
On Tuesday night (September 25th), seven artists in residence opened up their studios, sharing their work with the other residents at the colony. The presentations went late in to the night aided by beer and soup.
Working primarily with digital video, Renja Leino (FIN) has been using her time at the colony to collect and experiment with mythologies and stories surrounding the local amber, working with local school children, the ‘Amber King’ (Kazimieras Mizgiris who is running several amber galleries) and Nida’s beaches.
Fiona Reilly (Ireland) has been working with loaded spaces in Nida, such as its disused landing strip and the Russian border, a cyclical dialogue evolving between her and these sites through her drawing and video work; her experimental actions influence her surroundings and in turn, the unpredictability of the landscape and the people she encounters are fed back in to her practice, bringing in to play questions surrounding intention vs actuality and making work within the public realm.
Through methodically charting his time making art and the times in between, Peter Wehinger’s (Austria) work gradually takes form via its own documentation; its repetitive nature giving the passing time at the colony a newly structured pace. He is coming with a grant “Voralberg goes to Nida”.
Jonas Jurcikas’ (LT) large-scale painting confronts the weight of his country’s history on his shoulders as a contemporary Lithuanian artist. Figures lifted from soviet imagery float in an abstracted void above a young child, perched at once between its own history and future. He got this residency as a winner of Young Painter Prize.
Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky (CH/NL) is continuing with her Sand Drawings series, capturing the naturally occurring mark making made in the sand by the beach’s grasses. Her digital portraits re-frame this playful activity in an almost anthropological or scientific format so that the grasses are re-contextualised, revealing the precision in the untamed yet seemingly mathematical drawings.
And two more artists were present for a shorter residency which was combined with one week in Kassel during dOCUMENTA 13. This residency is organised by Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association and supported by Lithuanian Ministry of Culture
Lina Albrikienė (LT) is continuing her series of investigations into her family history, this time collaborating with a musician to bring to life hand-written musical notation found in an old notebook that had belonged to her father. Through both physical and narrative traces left by her family she is able to explore her heritage, sharing her personal exercises with the viewer.
Robertas Narkus (LT) presented documentation of the encounters leading to the realisation of his fifth work in a series entitled 12 Chances; Chance Number Five resulting in the opening of a shoe shop. The juxtaposition between freely letting chance run its course and the methodology present in the collection and application of these encounters made for an exciting juncture in this series of works.