Léa Perraudin, Elementare Ekstasen. Sondierungen der Technosphäre, meson press, 2024 (OA)
  • Residency period: Winter 2025
  • Latent Accumulations: Walking Along Paraffin Pollution at Nida Coastline

Léa Perraudin is an environmental media scholar based at the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She holds a PhD in media studies from the University of Cologne, after formal training in anthropology, philosophy and media culture, and has received fellowships from UC Berkeley and IKKM Weimar. Perraudin’s research in the realm of environmental humanities and queer feminist STS explores infrastructures and their environments through situated phenomena of transience, dispersal, abundance, and solidification. A particular concern of her work is nuanced forms of collaboration and care between critical research and everyday material practices, which she attends to via speculative methodologies, material poetics, and diffractive ways of writing. 

Recent publications: Elementare Ekstasen. Sondierungen der Technosphäre (meson, OA, 2024) and Material Trajectories. Designing with Care?, co-edited with Clemens Winkler, Claudia Mareis and Matthias Held (meson, OA, 2023).


Airbound. Sensing Collective Futures, exhibition at Aufbau Haus Berlin, curators Léa Perraudin and Martin Müller, exhibition design Mina Mahouti, 2023. Photo: Michelle Mantel
Futures of Air, transdisciplinary workshop series on collaborative speculation and embodied encounters, developed with CollActive Materials, 2023. Photo: Felix Noak
My ABC is… active, intervention together with Iva Rešetar at the library and material archive of Stiftung Sitterwerk, St. Gallen, 2023. Photo: Katalin Deér
To carry water, walkshop intervention in Venice together with Gina Caison, 2021. Photo: Gina Caison